Friday, September 25, 2009

Mothers of Boys

I've been dreaming of this blog for a while. A place where mothers of boys can share information about raising young men in today's world. Whether it's ways to make school more friendly to boys or the joys and trials of raising boys who are so different from you.
I'm planning to have features such as Books Boys Will Love, Newsday Tuesday, The Great Outdoors and some others I'm still plotting.

I am the mother to two boys. A four-year-old fearless adventurer I'll call Pickle and an 18-month-old (born Feb. 07) I call Bug. I grew up with one sister myself so I have very little expertise in the "boy world." I'm certainly not anti-girl (they're some of my favorite people!) but raising a boy is a singular experience, just as raising a girl is, and it's not for faint-hearted.

Whether you have one boy or ten, all boys or just one in the midst of girls, I hope you find something useful, inspiring, and welcoming here.